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TUhjnbcbe - 2020/9/12 12:21:00

Abstract Construction of hospitals to implement LAN hospital information office has significance, hospital internal LAN connection the various buildings of the hospital, linked to various departments, in order to allow the hospital to better keep pace with the information age, in order to perform daily management, file sharing, information dissemination and other conduct puter work management.

和平时一样,我塞着耳机听着音乐走在人群中,就算走在人潮中,我依旧沉浸在自己的世界里只知道往前走。 夏雨 似乎是谁在叫我,所以我停下了脚步、回头,所以我看到了恰好抬起头的你刚好也在看我,似乎周围的人、周围的一切都成了我们相遇的背景,我们就这样呆呆看着彼此,眼里只有你、只有我,宛如电影里的情节。虽然灯光不是那么的明亮,虽然我们从未熟识。10秒,之后,我转身继续往前走,刚刚好,不长不短。

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